This past weekend, on September 1st, 2013, Green Lens Media finally announced its newest service, The Filmmersive™ Workshop Series. This workshop series has been a year and a half in the making, and was much more demanding in its planning than was originally projected for multiple reasons. But we kept at it, because we knew as soon as we conceived of it, no matter how difficult it was to set up, we HAD to do it. It was just too perfect to not do it, as it fulfills multiple needs to multiple parties in a cost effective way. Through hard work and the will to succeed, we finally have it ready, and I am proud to officially proclaim our workshops are launched, public, and open for business – let the filming begin!

Why is this such a big deal?

Today, if you are a business, you want your product and service out there, circulating, known, because that leads to clients and customers. If you are a filmmaker or involved in video or marketing, you are looking for experience, for contacts, for resources, but really more than anything those are means to the end—you are looking for JOBS. If you are a writer, you want people to see your work, make connections, improve your storytelling skills, but more than anything, you want more and better JOBS. If you are an actor, you may want people to watch you onscreen, get your name out there, and meet people who can hook you up, but all of those things are to feed your ultimate goal, landing killer JOBS.

I know this. Everyone knows this.

But what is anyone DOING about it?

As a filmmaker, I believe in video. I love making it, and I love telling a good story. As a business owner, I believe video can help a business in ways that almost all other forms of marketing fall short. Video presence is important, and will continue to increase as the years go on. And once everyone finally catches up and realizes video is important to attract attention, how will your video become more attractive than someone else’s?

Film school is expensive, and a big decision. A fully customized video production is expensive, and also a big decision. Getting attention as a writer or actor is hard, because there are so many others out there, and so few really great jobs. I wanted GLM to solve these 3 problems faced by our community: 1) Attention, 2) Cost, and 3) Return On Investment (ROI). I believe our Filmmersive™ Workshops address these issues in a unique, smart way.

I’m not advocating our workshops as a replacement for college degrees, program certificates, less expensive or free online training, or high-end custom productions, but as a supplement and booster for your career or business there is truly nothing like it. For some it may be just enough, while for others it will prove that only the surface has been scratched. From my perspective, it’s the kind of thing I wish had been available to me, both as a filmmaker AND a business, back when I was first starting out in the professional workplace.

All the details can be found on the Training page of our website, so I won’t explain how it works in great detail other than this synopsis: the workshops are 5 days of intense filmmaking training for small 4-8 person groups given by experienced instructors. Workshop Attendees pay to learn filmmaking but also take part in actually executing a short video by the end of the week, start to finish, giving them a portfolio piece to showcase. In Narrative workshops we pay a modest fee to use a local writer’s 3-6 page fictitious script, which gives this writer heightened exposure. In Corporate workshops the Attendees do a 1-day shoot at a real company, each editing their own version of the video; the business gets to review all versions and decide at no obligation if they would like to purchase it for their website for a fraction of the normal cost.

Basically, we structured our workshops to focus on the collaboration and the ROI for all involved. For Attendees, it’s a cost-effective, fun, and rewarding way to learn, and you wind up with a unique portfolio piece. For writers, actors, and sponsors, it’s a great opportunity for exposure with a limited commitment and with a quick turnaround final result. For businesses, it’s a risk free way to preview multiple videos about their business, since purchase costs are more affordable than highly customized projects and always no obligation to buy. For GLM, it’s a way to share our knowledge through training while continuing to operate in the field making productions. And for everybody, it is a great networking opportunity and an all around enjoyable and worthwhile experience.

So what’s the catch?

Honestly, I can’t think of one. This is the NO-BRAINER part of the whole concept – everyone benefits. Really, the only hesitation was in the idea of actually structuring the setup of the program, and then executing it. With all the variables involved it is a complex undertaking. As the host of the workshop, this responsibility falls on GLM’s shoulders, but I felt so strongly this model would strengthen the business and film community in Boston that it was worth every effort to see through. I would like to see new startups, particularly green / environmental ones (though we won’t be exclusive to them), benefit from this program, and begin to flourish and enhance our city. I would like to see Boston, which has already grown as a film town in the past decade, take this to a new, even higher level.

The Filmmersive™ Workshops are not where your film education or video productions end, though it will be a good jumpstart. Every ingredient like this helps, and GLM will make its workshops one such ingredient of the overall recipe that promotes companies, individuals, and the film community. I hope you will check out what our program offers to see if it is right for you, but whatever you choose to do I hope you will continue to investigate how to get video on your site and / or learn the practices of filmmaking by whatever means make the most sense in your situation. 21st century communication is already headed in video’s direction, and riding the wave of the future should be one hell of a thrill, so let’s make it thrilling and catch the perfect wave.

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